
How To Erase Pen Writing On Paper

writer's block

Many people refuse to work with anything but a pencil for fear they will make a mistake.

When you are working with ink on paper, you have to be prepared for the fact that mistakes are going to be hard to remove.

Luckily, there are some ways that can help you remove ink from paper even after the ink has dried.

Always keep in mind that you have to make sure you are not destroying the quality of the paper you are using while you are removing the ink.

Take this process slowly and work with great care to ensure you don't ruin your entire document.

How to Remove Ink from Paper

ink stain drawn with an ink pen on a white paper sheet

These ten ways will help make removing ink from paper a bit easier.

We don't guarantee that any of these will work for your situation.

Depending on the type of ink and the paper used, your situation could end up being quite a bit different.

1. Brake Fluid

Brake Fluid

Brake fluid is one of those solutions for removing ink from paper that may come as a surprise.

Most don't think of this as being a typical method used to remove ink from paper, but it can work.

We are almost certain this was a method that was once discovered by accident!

When working with brake fluid, make sure you are outside in an area with plenty of ventilation.

Remember that you will need a very small amount of this product to get the ink situation fixed.

We recommend using a small medicine dropper and just placing one drop on the area that the ink must be removed.

Allow the brake fluid to sit for a few seconds and then wipe it off.

You should notice that the ink has disappeared.

You may want to place a piece of scrap paper under your paper in case any of the fluid were to leak through.

You won't want this to cause any issues with a table or flooring that you are using as a work surface.

2. Lemon Juice

glass bowl of freshly squeezed lemon juice

The acidity of lemon juice can help to remove ink from paper.

Lemon juice is actually a great way to clean up many household messes and leave your home smelling great.

When you use lemon juice to try and remove ink from paper, make sure that you are not using lemonade.

You must use pure lemon juice so that it is acidic enough to get the ink to disappear from the paper.

It is best to do this process with a dropper or even to dip a toothpick in the lemon juice and apply it to the paper.

You will want to make sure that the ink you don't want to be removed is well covered because, otherwise, it can quickly come off as well.

3. Acetone


Acetone is essentially the same as nail polish remover.

If nail polish remover can take the paint off of your fingernails, you can imagine that it does a decent job with getting ink off of paper.

We have found that acetone works best when applied with a cotton ball.

Try and cover the areas of the paper that you don't want to remove the ink from, and apply the acetone very lightly on the ink that you need to remove.

Acetone can be very strong smelling, so when you are using this product, you should make sure that you have plenty of ventilation.

4. Ink Eraser

ink eraser

An ink eraser will look very much like a pencil eraser, yet it is designed to remove ink from paper.

The ink eraser is sometimes very effective on written ink but not as effective on printed ink.

Ink erasers also tend to work better on blue ink than they do on black ink.

One of the problems that people tend to have with ink erasers is that they will leave a smudge on the paper.

Although it will essentially erase a section, it is almost as if it just smudges the paper a little.

There are, however, some great ink erasers that do an excellent job of removing ink from paper.

This is a tool that is worth having around and will be a bit less messy to work with than some of our other alternatives.

5. Blade

Razor blade on black background

There are two types of ink that you may end up with on your paper.

One will be from a printer and another from a pen.

If you are left with ink from a printer, there are times when you can use a blade to essentially scrape the letters off the paper.

With this process, you are going to have to be very careful because there is a chance that you will end up hurting your fingers.

The blade is a simple razor blade, and you need to try to keep it as level as possible to the surface of the paper and pick the letters off.

The most important part of this process is to make sure that you get under the letter, and then it gets much easier to peel off.

Of course, at the same time, you must make sure that you are not going to cut a hole in your paper as you complete this process.

We have found this easier to do with paper that was newly printed on.

If you wait a long time for the ink to dry, it gets hard to remove it.

6. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a great way to clean and sterilize things.

It's so great, in fact, that it can sometimes clean ink right off of your paper.

When you work with rubbing alcohol to remove ink from paper, make sure that you use it with a cotton swab.

Simply place a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the cotton swab and then touch it to the letter you need to remove.

The rubbing alcohol also tends to remove any other ink in the general vicinity, so be careful not to get anything else wet with this alcohol.

Rubbing alcohol is easy to find, and it tends to be a bit less potent than acetone.

If you are sensitive to smells and strong odors, rubbing alcohol might be a better choice.

7. Baking Soda and Water

baking soda and glass of water

Some people have had luck using a baking soda and water mixture to remove ink from paper.

You have to mix baking soda with a few drops of water until it starts to form a paste.

You will not want this paste to be too liquid as the paper will soak it all in, and then the paper could get damaged.

Try and keep it so that it has a consistency almost like an icing.

Use a toothpick to put a little bit on the area where you need to erase a letter.

Take the end of the toothpick and use it to rub the mixture over the letter and see if it will start to release it from the paper.

When you first make the baking soda and water mixture, you will likely make way too much.

You only need to put the slightest drop on the ink that you need removed.

We recommend testing the substance on another sheet of paper before using it on your final product.

If the mixture is too watery, you will see the effect that it can have on the paper and how that will need to be fixed before working on your final piece.

8. White-Out

Erasing zeros with correction fluid on white background

White-out is like a jar of white paint that you can use to cover up ink on paper.

Again, this is not a solution that is going to remove the ink from the paper.

Instead, you will be able to simply cover the ink that you no longer wish to see.

White-out is a great product, but you have to know how to work with it properly.

For instance, when you put the white-out on the paper, you must make sure that it doesn't clump up or dry in chunks.

If it does, the paper will be hard to write on, and it will be very obvious where the one area of the document was corrected.

Those who know how to use white-out properly will find that they have much more success.

Putting on the white-out as thinly as possible is the smartest thing to do.

The thin layer allows for you to write over it without it looking raised or coming out blurry in any way.

Again, white-out will work to cover, but it won't remove the ink from the paper.

9. White Correction Tape

Correction Tape correcting the wrong word

White correction tape is similar to white-out.

You can take the correction tape and place it over the ink you no longer want to see on your paper.

The correction tape does a nice job of smoothly covering the area where the ink is.

One of the significant benefits of the white correction tape is that you will not have to wait for it to dry.

The tape dries instantly and is very easy to apply.

There is no way to guarantee that the white of the correction tape will perfectly match your white paper, but it can certainly come close.

If you do a lot of writing, having a bit of white correction tape handy is a brilliant thing to do.

Chances are you will need it at one point or another.

10. Erasable Pen

Erasable Pen

Some pens will come with their own eraser.

You will notice a few things about these pens when they are writing on paper.

They don't tend to write quite as well.

The ink almost seems to be lighter, and it certainly has to do with the fact that the ink is eventually erasable.

If you have a pen with an ink eraser, it is worth trying this as a method to remove the ink.

Even if the ink that you need removed is not from a pen with an eraser, you might as well try this as a first line of defense.

The ink eraser allows you to remove blue ink a bit more easily than black ink.

An erasable pen eraser is also not going to do much if the ink is printed from a printer.


As you can see from our list of the ten best ways to remove ink from paper, you have lots of different options to choose from.

Of course, you will want to find an option that works and stick with it.

Sometimes putting rubbing alcohol on your paper, then trying lemon juice, and then an eraser will end up damaging the paper and leaving you with a bigger problem.

Read through each of these scenarios carefully and choose one that will make the most sense for your situation.

Next time, you may want to consider writing in pencil so that you won't have this mess on your hands!

How To Erase Pen Writing On Paper


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