
Mario Kart Tour App Icon Material Design

Title Screen

Mario Kart 7

Developers: Nintendo EAD, Retro Studios
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: December 1, 2011
Released in US: December 4, 2011
Released in EU: December 2, 2011
Released in AU: December 3, 2011
Released in KR: May 31, 2012
Released in CN: December 7, 2012
Released in TW: September 28, 2012

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page


To do:
  • Unused Staff Ghost Mii data (in /replay), in offsets 0x30 - 0x8F (length = 0x60) in each *.dat file. The last 4 bytes of said Mii data seem to be some kind of checksum. See the Notes subpage.
  • (Unused?) Grand Prix A, B and C rank graphics in UI/trophy.szs, named tro_grade_X.bclim (with X being either a, b or c)
  • Document the early version of KartConstructInfo.bin found in /Kart (the final version is found inside /Common.szs/Kart). The early version mentions the unused kart std_lod_oneTest.
  • Add information about the USA and EUR kiosk demo of the game, and some of the kiosk files found in retail and viceversa.
  • Spanish and French text differences between the US and European versions.
  • This page mentions unused objects
  • Verify if SEQ_FANFARE_START_TA.bcseq in "/Sound/ctr_dash.bcsar" is unused. It's a sequenced version of the starting Time Trials fanfare. In the final game, only the streamed version (STRM_FANFARE_START_TA.bcstm) seems to be used. The sequenced counterparts of these fanfares are meant for the racers playing in Download Play. However, Time Trials is not available in Download Play. Here's is how it sounds.
  • Just like in MKWii, this game also features the cameras and routes that were used for the creation of the little preview videos seen in the course selection screen. These go unused, given how these previews are stored as video files.

Mario Kart 7 is essentially the same thing as Mario Kart Wii but more awesome and in 3D. Oh, and you can paraglide, drive underwater, play as new characters, use seven items at once, race seven ghosts at once....but other than that, completely the same.


  • 1 Sub-Pages
  • 2 Unused Graphics
    • 2.1 Character Emblems
    • 2.2 Dummy Mario Circuit image
    • 2.3 Debug Title
    • 2.4 Test Glideboard Texture
  • 3 Unused Sounds/Music
    • 3.1 Dummy Sounds
    • 3.2 Rainbow Road Sound in Waluigi Pinball's Sound File
  • 4 Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide
    • 4.1 Course archive (.szs)
    • 4.2 Model (bcmdl)
    • 4.3 Collision (kcl)
    • 4.4 Course info (kmp)
    • 4.5 Bottom Screen Map
  • 5 Unused Models
    • 5.1 Blue Shell
    • 5.2 Soccer Ball
    • 5.3 Early Garage
    • 5.4 Unused Banner Model
  • 6 Unused Item Reaction Names
  • 7 Unusual Item Boxes
  • 8 Unused Battle Mode Item Functions
  • 9 Unused "Race Number" Strings
  • 10 Unused Lap Setting
  • 11 Miscellaneous
    • 11.1 Test Items
    • 11.2 Test Kart
  • 12 Debug Material
    • 12.1 Debug Strings
    • 12.2 Function Symbols
  • 13 Unseen Blue Glider Mushroom
  • 14 3DS Download Play Icon Oddity
  • 15 Regional Differences
    • 15.1 Track Names
    • 15.2 Kart Bodies
    • 15.3 Kart Tires
    • 15.4 Kart Gliders
  • 16 Revisional Differences
  • 17 Internal Project Name


Unused Graphics

Character Emblems

Mario-Kart-7-Emblem-Dummy-1.png Mario-Kart-7-Emblem-Dummy-2.png

Two dummy textures for character emblems. These are 32x32 pixels each, whereas the final emblems are 64x64. The first one featuring the letters "L" and "R" can be found in many archives, while the second is only found in a single archive.

Dummy Mario Circuit image

Early Final
Mario-Kart-7-Mario-Circuit-Early.png Mario-Kart-7-Mario-Circuit-Final.png

A dummy image that appears in two track archives: Neo Bowser City and Luigi Raceway. This image is used as a placeholder for the giant screens found in those courses, until the game replaces them with other data. The image was originally rotated 90° clockwise, but has been rotated for ease of comparison. The image is from an early version of Mario Circuit, and the differences are as follows:

  • Mario is racing against himself, something not possible in the final game.
  • The finish line banner's shadow appears to be glitching the floor texture in the dummy.
  • The dummy's item boxes are closer to their Mario Kart 64 design.
  • There are four item boxes in the dummy and five in the final.
  • The coin formation is the same as in the beginning of the credits in the final.
  • There are lighting differences on Mario and the pink hill in the background.

Debug Title

Mario-Kart-7-Debug-Capture-Left.png Mario-Kart-7-Debug-Capture-Right.png

In the /UI/Debug directory is a copy of the Japanese title screen, stored into two files for the left and right eye images. The archives are called title_capture_top_l.bclim and title_capture_top_r.bclim.

Test Glideboard Texture

Mario Kar 7-Test glideboard.png

In the files for DK Pass, there is an unused texture called test_glideboard. It is the same as the used texture, but without transparency.

Unused Sounds/Music

There is an unused sound for a countdown starting from 10 seconds (like in Mario Kart Wii) named SE_RC_BTL_CD_10_9_8.bcwav. The sound is identical to the one from Mario Kart Wii, so it was most likely carried over from that game.

Dummy Sounds

In the sound file (BCSAR), there are 2 dummy Shy Guy sounds at the very end. All the used character sounds are in the middle of the BCSAR. It isn't currently known what their names are.

Rainbow Road Sound in Waluigi Pinball's Sound File


To do:
What sound?

Strangely, in Waluigi Pinball's Sound File (GRP_CR_DS_WALUIGI_PINBALL.bcgrp), there is a copy of a sound used in Rainbow Road and SNES Rainbow Road.


This is the only unused track in the game. It is essentially an early version of Mario Circuit, with slightly different geometry and no shading. There are no references to this course in the game's code.

Course archive (.szs)

Since the course archive lacks many important files, and the course information (kmp) file is an early format, the track crashes when trying to load it.
The following files can be found in the course archive:

File Name Description
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.bclgt Light information file, similar to the final version found in the Mario Circuit course archive.
Gctr_MarioCircuit.bclgt (*) Another light information file, differs from the previous one and the final version.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide_ch0.bclgt Character light information file, uses different internal names than the ones found in used courses.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.div Model division file, seems to match the main course model appropriately.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.bcmdl Main course model file, more info below.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.kcl Main collision file, matches the main course model appropriately, more info below.
Gctr_MarioCircuit.kcl (*) Another collision file, doesn't match the main course model nor the final Mario Circuit course model, more info below.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.kmp Course info file, more info below.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide_map.bcmdl (**) 3D model of the course minimap.

(*) This file is a duplicate file and should not belong to this course archive.
(**) This file is unique and cannot be found in any other course archive.

The following files are missing from the course archive:

File Name Description
UIMapPos.bin Determines the position offsets for the bottom screen minimaps.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide_map.bclim Bottom screen global minimap.
Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide_map2.bclim Bottom screen global minimap.
Course Object Models 3D models for the objects defined in the kmp (sky box variant 1, goomba, red mushroom, tree variant 1 and pipe models).

Model (bcmdl)

The .bcmdl models are quite similar, however a few textures are different. The spotlight texture was stretched to double the width, the castle wall texture was heavily modified, and the shadow map adds shadows for the four ramps.

Early Final
Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Spot-Early.png Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Spot-Final.png
Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Wall-Early.png Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Wall-Final.png
Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Shadow-Early.png Mario-Kart-7-Circuit-Shadow-Final.png

Collision (kcl)

Strangely, there are two collisions files Gctr_MarioCircuit.kcl and Gctr_MarioCircuit_Divide.kcl inside of the szs, second concording with the model. They are almost identical, but have some small differences, such as missing water barrier.

MK7 - divide collision.jpeg

Course info (kmp)

The early kmp is partially empty, only global objects, routes and areas exist. Checkpoints, cpu/item routes and some other neccesary sections to make the course load are missing.

  • The course doesn't have any itemboxes or coins.
  • There are three large Goombas rather than two normal-sized ones.
  • The air flowing from the pipes near the gliding section is missing.
  • The course uses Toad Circuit trees in the early version, rather than pink Sakura trees.
  • There are no hills in the background of the track when you start the race.

Bottom Screen Map

The bottom screen map is stored in a different model (bcmdl) in the same way as Mario Kart Wii did, instead of an image file (bclim).

Unused Models

Blue Shell


An unused blue Koopa shell model, found in /RaceCommon.szs/Item/ (which contains all the item models), and named itemKouraBlue.bcmdl (the final Blue Shell model is named itemTogezo.bcmdl). The texture is slightly different than the one used for the Blue Shell item.

Soccer Ball


An unused soccer ball model (named F2_Item_Ball_Soccer internally) with a texture and a normal map, likely used for testing purposes, also found in RaceCommon.szs. The model and textures are also in Nintendogs + Cats, indicating this may possibly be a leftover from that game since they were in development around the same time.

Early Garage

The model Garage.bcmdl in /Menu3D/Garage is an early version of the garage that serves as the background for the character/kart select screen (the final version is located in /Menu3D.szs/Menu3D/Garage.bcmdl). Unlike the final garage, the door is on the right-hand side instead of the back, and the only decorations it has are some cables and a set of tires. It has no textures, but the vertex shading still remains.

There's an unused model for the Home Menu banner found in /banner/*/banner.bnr in the RomFS (the final banner model is located in the ExeFS). It features an animated model of Mario driving on his Standard Kart.

The models for both Mario and the Standard Kart, while mostly identical to the final gameplay models, feature slightly different textures. For example, Mario's skin is a bit paler in the unused banner model. In the final game, the banner model is in much higher quality than the models used in gameplay.

The icon stored in banner.icn under the same directory is the same icon that was used for the Download Play version. In addition, the unused banner doesn't have any sound.

Unused Item Reaction Names

In RaceCommon.szs/ItemReactTable.bin (a file that determines how different items interact with each other), there are 2 unused entries for Fake Item Box (FakeBox) and Mega Mushroom (BigKinoko), indicating that they might have been planned at some point during development. This file is the only one that references those items, and no programming nor references exist for them in the game's code.

Unusual Item Boxes

On Rainbow Road. after the first gliding section, there are three Item Boxes hidden under the planet's rings. They can only be collected by flying under the rings and back up onto the course. Unlike the Super Item Box retained in DK Pass (DS), which has a unique item distribution of only speed items and Red Shells, they appear to have no special characteristics.

Unused Battle Mode Item Functions

The Blue Shell, Lightning, and Bullet Bill can't be obtained under normal circumstances. These items will have unusual effects when hacked in.

Blue Shell

Acts like a Green Shell but it goes on forever. The game crashes if it goes out of bounds.


Shocks the players but it doesn't always give out a point per player. The players do not shrink, and they keep any items they had.

Bullet Bill

Follows a route similar to the CPUs, and like the Blue Shell, the effect lasts forever. It performs tricks automatically. After a while it will get stuck in a loop.

Unused "Race Number" Strings

Inside the message file at UI\common-XX.szs\Common.msbt, there are the messages for indicating the race number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, final). However, there are also messages for all the way up to the "31th race", allowing for a maximum of 32 races. It is likely that this would have been used with a feature for customizing the number of races in VS mode or online tournaments, both of which are locked to 4 races at a time.

Unused Lap Setting

Like in Mario Kart Wii, there is an unused value in the track's settings file which controls the number of laps. Modifying it doesn't seem to affect anything in-game, however. The game only has Lakitu signs for three laps, so it would be unable to properly indicate any extra laps.


Test Items

There are two test items referenced as Test3 (ID 0xF) and Test4 (ID 0x10) with zero probability to appear. Changing either of their probabilities and getting them in-game will give you a star icon, which will disappear after using the item, as their "use" functions are stubbed and do nothing. The two test items actually appear in the item roulette spin animation, as the game just takes a random item ID between 0x0 (Single Banana) and 0x13 (Triple Red Shells) to display, which includes the test item IDs. This has the side effect of making the star graphic appear more often in the spin animation.

Test Kart

Inside a file where there are all the kart body model names, there is a reference to a kart body called "std_lod_oneTest", probably for testing. However, there isn't any model or file with that name. "std" means standard, "lod" means the model is used by the other racers, "oneTest" can mean is the first model is for testing.

Debug Material

Debug Strings


To do:
Check for this content in other regions and versions.

Inside the .code of the European v1.1 ExeFS at 0x4F1A18 , there are some references to a debug menu, such as "SndSceneDebug.MapObj", "SndSceneDebug", and "DebugPageList".

There are also a few debug controls:

Debug Option Button
Exit DebugPageSelect B
Enter DebugPageSelect R+B
Select DebugPage Up/Down

Also, at 0x37B078 , where there are all the options shown when finishing a race, there are debug options such as "Debug_Next", "Debug_Reload" and "Debug_Exit"

After a RAM dump, the following debug tasks can be found:

  • DebugMenuMainPage
  • SoundTest
  • DebugShiraiwa
  • DebugSuzuki
  • DebugObayashi
  • DebugKartRun
  • DebugField
  • DebugSakuraba
  • DebugChannelScene

Note that Shiraiwa, Suzuki, Obayashi and Sakuraba are some of the game's main programmers.

Function Symbols


To do:
Check for this content in Taiwan and Korean releases.

In the download play child application (sent by the game to other consoles in Download Play mode) there is a 1.5MB file called CTRDash.xmap which has all of the 21305 function names and addresses of the download play executable. Since all of the addresses match the assembly code, the file was probably added or updated with the latest compilation of the child app. Here is a portion of it:

... 30d790	Enemy::AIEngine::stateReady() 30d8b8	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitIdle() 30d8bc	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitStop() 30d8c0	Enemy::AIEngine::stateAfterGoal() 30d918	Enemy::AIEngine::stateGhostIdle() 30d91c	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitReady() 30d968	Enemy::AIEngine::statePlayerIdle() 30da1c	Enemy::AIEngine::initAfterPathMgr() 30da48	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitAfterGoal() 30da78	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitGhostIdle() 30da7c	Enemy::AIEngine::stateInitPlayerIdle() 30dacc	Enemy::AIEngine::init() 30dbb4	Enemy::AI::startKiller() 30dbdc	Enemy::AIEngine::awake() 30dc88	Enemy::AIEngine::sleep() ...

The file was later removed in the Chinese release of the game as it most likely had been kept by mistake.

Unseen Blue Glider Mushroom

In the award ceremony track (Gctr_WinningRun.szs), there is an unseen blue glider mushroom (like the one in Mushroom Gorge) near the tunnel section on the right-hand side. It is possible to see the stem of the mushroom by using a hack that increases the speed of the karts. It is possible that the mushroom is simply there to allow the winner to glide in from above, as the mushroom looks out of place in Toad Circuit, which the track is based on.

3DS Download Play Icon Oddity

Download Play Main
Mario Kart 7-Download Play large icon.png Mario Kart 7-large icon.png
Mario Kart 7-Download Play small icon.png Mario Kart 7-small icon.png

The icon used in the Download Play app when receiving data is a crude, early version of the one used for the main game. It is located in the banner folder. This discrepancy was fixed in the Chinese version.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

Across different regions, certain tracks and vehicles have different names. These are the names that differ between the European and North American releases, along with a direct translation of the Japanese original (not counting retro courses).

Interestingly, unlike a number of other Nintendo games with separate localizations per region, it's the American script that tends to be more literal and the European script that takes more liberties. Go figure.

Track Names

Japanese European American
Kinopio Circuit Toad Circuit Toad Circuit
Pukupuku Lagoon Cheep Cheep Cape Cheep Cheep Lagoon
Heiho Carnival Shy Guy Bazaar Shy Guy Bazaar
Wuhu Island 1 Wuhu Island Loop Wuhu Loop
Music Park Melody Motorway Music Park
Rock Rock Mountain Alpine Pass Rock Rock Mountain
Pakkun Slider Piranha Plant Pipeway Piranha Plant Slide
Wario Ship Wario's Galleon Wario Shipyard
Neo Koopa City Koopa City Neo Bowser City
Wuhu Island 2 Wuhu Mountain Loop Maka Wuhu
Rosetta Planet Rosalina's Ice World Rosalina's Ice World
Koopa Castle Bowser's Castle Bowser's Castle
Honeybee House Honeybee House Honeybee Hive

Despite the name change, the Japanese and North American name "Music Park" can still be seen on banners in the level in the European version.

Kart Bodies

Japanese European American
Gold Kart Gold Kart Gold Standard
Birthday Girl Royal Ribbon Birthday Girl
Mach Queen Bumble V Bumble V
War Beetle Growlster Bruiser
Jet Soda Soda Jet Soda Jet
B Dash B Dasher B Dasher
Tarupoppo Barrel Train Barrel Train
Retromaru Tiny Tug Tiny Tug
Sand Runner Cact-X Cact-X
H2O Cloud 9 Cloud 9
Dangan Duck Gherkin Zucchini
Cobalt Seven Blue Seven Blue Seven
Banana Buggy Bolt Buggy Bolt Buggy
Skeleton Pipe Frame Pipe Frame

The Japanese version also calls this kart part a frame rather than a body.

Kart Tires

Japanese European American
Normal Tire Normal Standard
Gold Tire Gold Wheels Gold Tires
Roller Tire Roller Roller
Ring Tire Slim Slim
Slick Tire Slick Slick
Sponge Tire Sponge Sponge
Super Kinoko Mushroom Mushroom
Wood Ring Wooden Wood
Wild Red Monster Red Monster Red
Wild Tire Monster Monster

The European version also calls this kart part a wheel rather than a tire.

Kart Gliders

Japanese European American
Super Kite Super Glider Super Glider
Gold Kite Gold Glider Gold Glider
Flower Kite Flower Glider Flower Glider
Beast Kite Ghastly Glider Beast Glider
Basa Basa Kite Swoop Swooper
Parafoil Parafoil Paraglider

Swoop is another name for Swooper in some recent games. The names seem to be used interchangeably. Oddly, the North American name for the Parafoil didn't carry over to Mario Kart 8, probably because Nintendo of America opened Wikipedia for "Parafoil" wanted more proper term for one of gliders (which mades even more literal).

Revisional Differences

Version 1.1 was first released on May 15, 2012 as a downloadable patch on the eShop. Other than adding "Ver. 1.1" to the Online Multiplayer tab, this update fixed four respawn glitches that could be used to skip parts of several courses during online play:

  • GBA Bowser Castle 1
  • DK Jungle
  • Wuhu Loop / Wuhu Island Loop / Wuhu Island 1
  • Maka Wuhu / Wuhu Mountain Loop / Wuhu Island 2

Note that these glitches were only fixed for online play to avoid exploits; in every other mode, these glitches are still present.

The patch itself actually fixes all the respawn glitches, including the ones that can only be done by hacking. Though they are not included in the patch folder, so its impossible to make them work again online. However, if you were to replace the existing kmp files in the patch with their original kmp, only Maka Wuhu's would work. The Daisy Crusier and Maple Treeway ones were not fixed.

Internal Project Name

Mario Kart 7 is referred to as "CTRDash" internally. "CTR" is the product code for the 3DS.

The Mario series

NES/FDS Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros 2. (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype, Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3
SNES Super Mario World • Super Mario All-Stars • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Prototypes)
Satellaview BS Super Mario USA • BS Super Mario Collection
Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 (64DD Version)
GameCube Super Mario Sunshine (Demo)
Wii Super Mario Galaxy • Super Mario Galaxy 2 • New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Wii U New Super Mario Bros. U • New Super Luigi U • Super Mario 3D World
Game Boy (Color) Super Mario Land • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Game Boy Advance Super Mario Advance • Super Mario Advance 2 • Super Mario Advance 3 • Super Mario Advance 4
Nintendo DS New Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario 64 DS
Nintendo 3DS Super Mario 3D Land (Demo) • New Super Mario Bros. 2
Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe • Super Mario 3D All-Stars • Super Mario Bros. 35 • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
iOS/Android Super Mario Run
Mario Kart
Console Games Super Mario Kart (Prototypes) • Mario Kart 64 (iQue Prototype) • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Demos) • Mario Kart Wii (Mario Kart Channel) • Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe)
Handheld Games Mario Kart: Super Circuit • Mario Kart DS (Demos) • Mario Kart 7 • Mario Kart Tour
Arcade Games Mario Kart Arcade GP • Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 • Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
Mario RPGs
Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars
Paper Mario Paper Mario • The Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario 2 Demo) • Super Paper Mario • Sticker Star • Color Splash • The Origami King
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (+ Bowser's Minions) • Partners in Time • Bowser's Inside Story (+ Bowser Jr.'s Journey) • Dream Team • Paper Jam
Mario Party
Console Games Mario Party • Mario Party 2 • Mario Party 3 • Mario Party 4 (Demo) • Mario Party 5 (Demo) • Mario Party 6 (Demo) • Mario Party 7 • Mario Party 8 • Mario Party 9 • Mario Party 10 • Super Mario Party • Mario Party Superstars
Handheld Games Mario Party Advance • Mario Party DS
Mario Sports
Golf NES Open Tournament Golf • Mario Golf (Nintendo 64, GBC) • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour • Mario Golf: Advance Tour • Mobile Golf
Tennis Mario Tennis (Nintendo 64, GBC, Virtual Boy) • Mario Power Tennis • Mario Tennis: Power Tour - Bicep Pump • Mario Tennis Aces • Mario Tennis: Power Tour
Strikers Super Mario Strikers (Demo) • Mario Strikers Charged
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Beijing 2008 (DS, Wii) • Vancouver 2010 (Wii) • London 2012 • Rio 2016 (Wii U)
Other BS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium • Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet • Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix • Mario Superstar Baseball (Mario Baseball Demo) • Mario Sports Mix • Mario Pinball Land
Dr. Mario
Console Games Dr. Mario (Prototypes) • Tetris & Dr. Mario • Dr. Mario 64 • Dr. Luigi
Handheld Games Dr. Mario • Dr. Mario & Puzzle League • Dr. Mario World
Web Games Dr. Mario: Vitamin Toss
Super Mario Maker
Console Games Super Mario Maker • Super Mario Maker 2
Handheld Games Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Handheld Games Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem!
Console Games Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge
Mario Paint/Artist
Console Games Mario Paint (Prototype) • Mario no Photopi • Mario Artist Paint Studio (Prototype) • Mario Artist Talent Studio • Mario Artist Communication Kit • Mario Artist Polygon Studio
Mario Bros.
Arcade Games Mario Bros. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros.
Console Games Mario Bros. • Kaettekita Mario Bros.
Handheld Games Mario Bros. Classic • Mario Clash
Luigi's Mansion
Console Games Luigi's Mansion • Luigi's Mansion 3
Handheld Games Luigi's Mansion • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Arcade Games Luigi's Mansion Arcade
Mario's Picross
Console Games Mario's Super Picross
Handheld Games Mario's Picross • Picross 2
Computer Games Mario is Missing! (DOS) • Mario's Early Years (DOS)
Console Games Mario is Missing! (NES, SNES) • Mario's Time Machine (NES, SNES) • Mario's Early Years (Fun With Letters)
Donkey Kong
Arcade Games Donkey Kong • Donkey Kong Jr. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros.
Computer Games Donkey Kong (Atari 8-bit family) (Prototype)
Console Games Donkey Kong (NES) • Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)
Handheld Games Donkey Kong (Game Boy)
Wrecking Crew
Console Games Wrecking Crew • Wrecking Crew '98
Arcade Games Mario Roulette
Computer Games Mario's Game Gallery
Console Games I am a Teacher: Super Mario no Sweater • Nintendo World Championships 1990 • Mario & Wario • Undake 30: Same Game Mario Version • Yoshi's Safari • Hotel Mario • Super Mario's Wacky Worlds • Fortune Street • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U, Switch) • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Handheld Games Jaguar Mishin Sashi Senyou Soft: Mario Family • Super Princess Peach • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo 3DS) • Photos with Mario
See also
Yoshi • Donkey Kong • Wario

Mario Kart Tour App Icon Material Design


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